Passing on what God in His grace has given to us
Master of Philosophy degree in Psychiatric Social Work from National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences, Bangalore, Jean has experience in individual, marital and family counseling as well as conducting workshops on various life challenges. She has worked at a private hospital, several NGO’s and corporates providing counseling, teaching and training workshops. Jean has been part of APC since 2005 and been a staff at Chrysalis Counseling since its inception.
With an educational background in mental health care and counselling, Jean has been actively ministering to individuals, couples and families from various backgrounds who have relational and emotional challenges. Additionally, she is also fervent about training people to equip them on important life skills, marriage, parenting and godly sexuality. With her hands-on experience in counselling people in distress coupled with her conviction of the Word of God being the only panacea for all of life’s challenges, Jean brings an in-depth knowledge and understanding into her instruction and teaching of courses like Christian Counselling and Marriage & Family.
National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (Autonomous University), Bangalore.
Roshni Nilaya- School of Social Work, Mangalore University
St Joseph’s College of Arts and Science, Bangalore University